Each individual artist maintains the copyright for their work.

Artwork from the October 7th & 8th, 2023 workshop with Andrea Wunderlich:

After studying the Lindisfarne Gospels focusing on the illuminated headings, Andrea guided the students through exercises enabling them to develop their own alphabet by incorporating elements of freshness and ‘fancyness’, thereby creating their own modern illuminations.

Artwork from the October 2nd, 2021 workshop with Julie Wildman:

In this class led by Julie Wildman, participants explored five styles of ruling pens: two types of traditional pens; the Dreaming Dog #3; the Ruling Writer; and the Handwritmic pen. Students learned how the pens respond to different hand and arm movements; different fluids like sumi and walnut ink, as well as gouache; and different papers.

Artwork from the March 20th, 2021 workshop with Mike Gold:

This one-day class led by Mike Gold consisted of two powerful exercises - Building Structures & The Power of Two - designed to build compositional skills and an understanding of design principles, providing students with a foundation to build both literal and abstract artworks. Participants were encouraged to work more spontaneously, letting the art speak to them as they worked. The emphasis was on play and experimentation, providing an opportunity to create work that could both surprise and delight the student.

Artwork from the October 3rd, 2020 workshop with Sally Wightkin:

The pointed brush-marker is one of the most versatile tools in a calligrapher’s toolbox. From elegant flourishes to bold, chunky strokes, the pointed brush-marker gives the scribe a world of creative options. This workshop led by Sally Wightkin introduced students to this popular style of writing using a variety of brush markers. Step-by-step demos were provided to help students produce two styles of writing: a ‘print style’ with a larger, soft-tipped marker; and a ‘cursive style’ using a smaller, hard-tipped marker. Good practice habits, spacing, layout, and other calligraphic possibilities were discussed and explored.